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Managing Peach Leaf Curl

Posted by David Grau on

Originally Posted on March 16, 2016

Peach Tree BlossomsSpring has certainly sprung here in Chico, California. The peaches were in bloom when this photo was taken, and now the leaves are pushing out. I see signs of leaf curl - the red puckered spots on the leaves.

Peach Leaf CurlThis is a fungus disease which happens more in wet springs, like the current season. You can achieve control with a spray in the dormant season, but if you have peach trees, your trees can recover and still produce a crop. Here's a video from on managing leaf curl.

Peaches should be thinned at about the size of a cherry. Thin to 5 inches apart. Make a point of not leaving peaches right next to each other. This will reduce insect damage. has lots of great videos on gardening topics. You can buy many garden products there too, including Valley Oak Broadforks and Wheel Hoes.

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