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Planting Peppers and Tomatoes with Valley Oak Tools

Posted by David Grau on

Originally Posted on April 18, 2016

In our newest video, gardener David Grau demonstrates how to plant rows of peppers and tomatoes in your garden using Valley Oak Tools Broadforks, Wheel Hoe and attachments like the Furrower, Hiller, and new Bed Rakes.

Watch the video below or scroll down to read step-by-step instructions.

Step 1: Use a Broadfork to break open and loosen tight soil.

Step 2: Spread your soil amendments. We used chicken manure, gypsum, and rock phosphate.

Step 3: Work the amendments into the soil with a rake. A Valley Oak Wheel Hoe with a Bed Rake Attachment makes the job much faster.

Step 4: Mark your rows and furrow them with a Wheel Hoe and Furrower Attachment.

Step 5: Plant your baby peppers, tomatoes, etc.

Valley Oak wheel hoe hiller attachmentStep 6: Use a Wheel Hoe and Hiller Attachment to hill up the sides of the rows before irrigation.

Step 7: Give the plants a deep, drenching soak to saturate the root zone.

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